Finally, at the end of November we enjoyed our 30th wedding anniversary - it simply doesn't seem possible. Some of you will remember that crisp November day at the Eddy's farm just outside Hartford, Connecticut (and, in case you don't, we have the frightening photographic evidence to prove it). We spent a terrific weekend in the Peak District enjoying each other's company as well as trudging across the fields through the mud and rain with the dogs. And so to the next 30 years.

25 November 1972

The boys are all continuing to thrive in spite of our best efforts to hinder, impede or otherwise denigrate them. Ben, as you will have deduced, is still living and working in LA - he's just recently changed jobs and is currently working from home which he seems to enjoy (well, at least Aibo does). Donna continues to write for Business Investor's Daily, a copy of which we always pick up at the airport when we fly in or out. Of course, most of the content is well beyond our feeble grasp but it is quite fun to see the daughter-in-law's name in print. Nick and Lucy are still in Cubbington near Leamington Spa and are spending this Christmas up a Welsh mountain. Oh well, each to their own. Nick continues to work for his multimedia firm and Lucy is still at Conoco. And Adam, after doing database work for about two years and saving every penny, set off in September on another trip around the world. After three fantastic weeks in Japan he travelled to Hanoi and thence to southern China where, after only a few days, he came upon the town of Lijiang which seems to have won his heart. Having delayed his travel plans he has settled down to enjoy the people and the place teaching English to a variety of individuals both young and old and, in return, being taught Chinese, fed and accommodated in local style. His latest e-mail said, "It's as I have always suspected, people really are just the same the world over." He has just begun teaching at a nursery school!! And all our boys swore they would never go into teaching! Ha!

Greg - where he belongs.

Pippa and Molly continue to provide much joy and companionship, especially so since sadly we had to let our Rosie go in October after sixteen years of loyal and steadfast service. We've planted her in the front garden so that she can keep an eye on things and bark with her usual unbridled enthusiasm whenever visitors come to call.

Penny continues to make parachutes with her pal Sally and Greg continues to do as little as possible, turning up to work just sufficiently frequently so that the caretaker recognises him and they continue to pay him.

All in all, it's been a great year. We've enjoyed many visitors and wish more of you would accept our open invitations; we've had some great visits and look forward to more of the same in 2003 and we are thankful and grateful for so much friendship and happiness.

Love to you all,

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