The boys are all well and each doing their own things in their own ways. As mentioned, Ben and Donna are still living and working in the Los Angeles area although they are beginning to regret their decision to move to a house so conveniently situated by Los Angeles airport – it's simply too easy for the parents/outlaws to turn up. Nick and Lucy have very recently moved from one side of Leamington to another – both are still working far too hard and far too long. Adam ended up in China about this time last year and fell in love not only with the country but also with a delightful young lady with the equally delightful name of Tang. Following his excursion to the Lake to assist in the celebrations of his grandfather's 80th birthday, he found himself a job teaching English to assorted groups of Chinese children in Changsha. It looks increasingly likely that our excursions next year will have to include an outing to the People's Republic.

Molly and Pippa continue to provide much joy and faithful companionship and, at the very least, ensure that at least one of us gets to enjoy the delights of trudging around a muddy field in the wind and rain at least twice a day.

And, finally…. Penny and her pal Sally continue to make and sell Playchutes – they are coming up to their 10th year in business, which simply doesn't seem possible. How many Brownie, Scout, schools and church groups are now the proud owners of a customised, personalised Playchute from SeamStress? Meanwhile Greg continues to turn up for work at the ICT centre now and then. His efforts to secure early retirement through gross incompetence appear to have failed thus far – from now on he's aiming for gross indecency instead.

So, another fine year passes us all by. The highlights have been far too numerous to mention – Bob's Big Bash (not to mention Steph & Mom's Bashette), dancing the night away with Sue and Stuart and particularly the morning after the night before, sharing Flat Stanley's many adventures, the startling realisation that Greg used to have hair, sipping Guiness in the Butler's former pub in Inistioge and many, many more. As ever, the door is always open and, while the hearth may not always be warm, you can certainly be assured of a warm welcome and wet noses.

All our love to you all,

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