Finally, back in the UK again to plan our next expedition - another trip to Southern California to participate enthusiastically in Greg's 35th high school reunion prefaced by a brief imposition on his brother Steph and his delightful family (which now includes Greg's folks who moved from Prescott to Hanover, New Hampshire in July) at the end of October. The fall foliage in New Hampshire was beautiful and, presumably because we looked so malnourished after all our travels, everyone decided that we had better celebrate Thanksgiving early. So, Penny and Hope burned a couple of pumpkin pies in preparation and we all sat down to a not inconsequential feast a couple of weeks early.

The Webb reunion was fabulous and it was wonderful to be able to meet up with so many fine friends and exchange astonishments at how well we have all aged. Miles and Muriel once more provided exemplary hospitality, Ben and Donna reluctantly vacated their bed (again) and Southern California, after a downpour on our first night, put on a remarkably pleasant spell of weather for the rest of the week. As always, we were wined and dined in the manner to which we have always wished to become accustomed.
In spite of our frequent excursions this year, everyone else has managed to lead relatively normal lives and get by without our constant supervision. Ben and Donna are doing well in Playa del Rey - Donna is still writing for Investors Business Daily and Ben is still programming computer games, at the moment for a company with the delightful name of Naughty Dog.
Nick and Lucy are still living in the Warwick/Leamington area and while Lucy keeps Conoco afloat, Nick has gone freelance with his media and ICT skills - he seems to have been all over Europe in the past couple of months meeting with clients and so far, everything is going well.
Adam, of course, is still living and teaching in China and although Changsha, the large industrial city in which he and Sugar currently live, is perhaps not his favourite part of the People's Republic, he is enjoying the work and getting on exceedingly well. Sugar has recently landed a job in a language school and says she's enjoying it.
The dogs are the ones who have suffered this year. The sight of a suitcase sends them into a period of mournful depression and it takes innumerable walks, cuddles, scratches, tummy rubs and snacks to overcome their resentment upon our return. Still, after a few days they seem to have more or less forgiven us and, as always, they provide unfettered love and affection in spite of the manner in which we mistreat them.
Penny and Sally continue to make, and even sell some, Playchutes and in spite of spending almost every day of the last ten years in each other's company, still find much to amuse and entertain them while Greg continues to muddle through somehow.

And so, another year passes us by with again far too many highlights and thankfully relatively few lowlights. In spite of the acquisition of another son, Ms Playchute's Palace still has plenty of room and the welcome mat is always on display so we hope that this is the year you'll finally keep all those promises to come and visit.

All our love to you all,

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