Watching the Dog Whisperer on television from time to time reminds us that Molly is clearly the Alpha female in this household and that Greg is undoubtedly the low man on the totem pole. She continues to provide unbridled affection and devotion in spite of our continuing failure to provide food and snacks at what she would consider to be appropriate intervals.

January brought the unwelcome news that Greg’s brother Sandy’s wife, Pam, had been diagnosed with myelofibrosis, a condition in which her ability to generate new blood cells is impaired. It has been a very difficult and challenging year for them but they have fine medical care and an overwhelmingly positive attitude and so far she continues to do well. Later in the year we heard that Greg’s nephew, also named Greg, had been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, a condition with which he is already coping with aplomb and then, a few weeks later, Sandy, the considerably fitter and significantly more active of the Stragnell boys, suffered a heart attack. Fortunately, he received rapid medical assistance and has recovered well.

Sandy and Pam


The saddest news to afflict the Stragnell clan this year, however, was the sudden and tragic death of youngest sister Sarah’s husband Randy while out surfing in California early in December. How fragile is our tenancy on this earth and how important it is to spend every moment adoring the ones we love. In the superficial busy-ness of our modern lives we too frequently allow our love and affection to be assumed; when we lose someone dear to us we realise how important it is to keep those we love constantly in our hearts and thoughts.

And so, we’ll keep all of you in our hearts and thoughts and wish you all the very, very best for 2009. Do take us up on our open invitation to visit – Molly, at least, would appreciate the company.

All our love to you all,

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