The Arnold's Come to Town
Greg was, unfortunately, unable to shake them so they ended up at Bertorelli's. Fortunately, Soozie spotted the spinach all over Steve's teeth before this photograph was taken.
Following her exertions on the bungee-trampoline, Soozie exhibited a remarkably healthy appetite. Seventeen helpings of Clam Linguine, however, was perhaps just a bit too much?
As you can see from the absence of any other paying guests in the background, we closed Bertorelli's down. The staff were understandably anxious to get home yet they kindly agreed to take this photograph before throwing us out on our collective ears.

After being thrown out of Bertorelli's, Greg put Steve and Soozie on a tube train going in precisely the opposite direction to their hotel. On the news the following morning there were amusing reports of a bewildered pair of American tourists wandering forlornly around John O'Groats looking for the Stafford Hotel. Next time they come Greg gets to go on holiday and Penny has to entertain them!

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